Showstack Sassoon, Anne

Gramsci's Subversion of the Language of Politics

is part of Rethinking Marxism , III , 1 , 1990 , 14-25

Available online reprinted: Gramsci and Contemporary Politics: Beyond Pessimism of the Intellect (Accessed July 28, 2016)

Language eng
Names [author] Showstack Sassoon, Anne
Lingua (e Linguistica)
Language (including Linguistics)
Ristampa di
Gramsci and Contemporary Politics: Beyond Pessimism of the Intellect,

New York and London, Routledge, 1999 pp. 42 - 50

Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments Edited by James Martin,

London & New York, Routledge, 2002 pp. 411 - 421

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