Rampino, Antonella

Sraffa, i segreti del club di Cambridge. Ritrovatial Trinity College due manoscritti dell'economista amico di Gramsci

is part of La Stampa , March 5, 1999 , 24
«Today, the "Associazione per il rinnovamento della sinistra" will present two very important unpublished lectures of 1927 [by Piero Sraffa]» They will be published within the year. One is on the "Quota 90," the other on the "Corporative State." Both may have had some influence on Gramsci. «Aldo Tortorella will be at the presentation as well as Professor Nerio Naldi who has traced the intimidating telegrams which Mussolini sent to Sraffa, the existence of which had been discussed by Renzo De Felice».
Language ita
Names [author] Rampino, Antonella
Sraffa, Piero
Economica, Teoria
Sraffa, Piero
Economic theory