Marques-Pereira, Berangère

L'Etat-providence, providence de l'Etat à l'égard des femmes ?

is part of Recherches féministes , III , 1 , Quebec : Laval University , 1990 , pp. 11 - 26

While the « féminisation of poverty » is a concept introduced by contemporary feminist social scientists, the concept of « gender » as a category of analysis was introduced into British social policy discussion by women social investigators in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This article provides a case-study of the way in which the category of gender was introduced into social welfare policy discussion in Britain by Helen Bosanquet and Beatrice Wegg, as members of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and the Relief of Distress, 1905-1909.

Available online: Recherches féministes (Accessed March 22, 2017)

Language fra
Names [author] Marques-Pereira, Berangère
Welfare State
Welfare State