Maree, Johann

Harnessing Intellectuals: Tension between Democracy and Leadership in the Independent Trade Unions in the 1970s

is part of South African Sociological Review , I , 2 , April, 1989 , 58-73
«An examination of how the participation of white intellectuals in independent trade unions in South Africa influenced the democratization process of the unions in the 1970s, drawing on various theories on the role of left-wing intellectuals in the labor movement.... The theories of Antonio Gramsci & E. Hobsbawm are found to be useful in analyzing the roles of intellectuals in unions in the 1970s».
Language eng
Names [author] Maree, Johann
Intellettuali E Lavoro
Hobsbawm, Eric
Studi di caso
South Africa
Trade unions
Intellectuals labor
Hobsbawm, Eric