Levy, Carl

The People and the Professors: Socialism and the Educated Middle Classes in Italy, 1870-1915

is part of Journal of Modern Italian Studies , VI , 2 , Summer, 2001 , 195-208
«This article examines the role of the educated middle classes in the Italian socialist and syndicalist movements from 1870 to 1915... The influence of Cesare Lombroso and Edmondo DeAmicis [is examined]...In [the second] part of the article, the author evaluates the influence of the educated middle classes in the Psi before 1915... Concluded with a discussion on the nature of the Italian intelligentsia and socialism and its influence on Gramsci».
Language eng
Names [author] Levy, Carl
Socialismo Italiano 1870-1915
Intellettuali e popolo
Lombroso, Cesare
De Amicis, Edmondo,
Turati, Filippo
Partito Socialista Italiano
Socialism Italian 1870-1915
Intellectuals and People
Lombroso, Cesare
De Amicis, Edmondo,
Turati, Filippo
Psi (Italian Socialist Party)