Kumar, Amitava

Towards Postmodern Marxist Theory: Ideology, State, and the Politics of Critique

is part of Rethinking Marxism , III , 3-4 , Fall-Winter, 1990 , pp. 149 - 155
«An exploration of issues of ideology critique & oppositional cultural politics, discussing the role of political poetry in India to prepare the ground for a theoretical elaboration of the question of cultural contestation -- even in the face of state repression. Drawing on the work of Antonio Gramsci (Lawner, L. [Tr & Ed], Letters from Prison, London: Cape, 1975), it is argued that the practice of critique in culture often exceeds the domain of the state & functions in the realm of ideology....».
Language eng
Names [author] Kumar, Amitava
All'Estero: India
Lawner, Lynne
Laclau, Ernest
Mouffe, Chantal
Freire, Paulo
Giroux, Henry
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Lawner, Lynne
Abroad, India
Lawner, Lynne
Laclau, Ernest
Mouffe, Chantal
Freire, Paulo
Giroux, Henry