Kowarick, Lucio - Quiroz Trejo, José Othon

Investigación urbana y sociedad: comentarios sobre nuestra

is part of Sociologica , VII , 18 , January-April, 1992 , 11-27
«Scientific investigation into Latin American urban social problems in the last thirty years has not necessarily paralleled social reality. Public & private national & international organizations with financial resources & a policy orientation, not real problems, have directed urban investigation.... The influences of the French structuralist Marxists, the British Marxist historians, & Antonio Gramsci continue to impact research that looks at social agents free from any structural determinant.».
Language spa
Names [author] Kowarick, Lucio
[author] Quiroz Trejo, José Othon
America Latina
Ricerca Urbana
Sociologia Urbana
Studi di caso
Latin America
Urban research
Urban sociology