Kohn, Margaret Leah

Locating Radical Democracy: A Genealogy of Political Space (Italy)

Ph.D. Dissertation.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 2000, 351 p.
«Contemporary political theory has largely been concerned with the relationship between language and power». Thus political theorists «overlook the power of place. My dissertation rectifies this lacuna by reintroducing a spatial dimension to democratic theory... This dissertation analyzes the political logic expressed in sites of working-class mobilization in Europe at the turn-of-the-century: cooperatives, mutual aid societies, radical community centers, and chambers of labor... In Chapters three and four I analyze the limitations of prominent theories of the political space: the bourgeois public sphere (Habermas) and the factory (Marx and Gramsci). Chapters five through seven focus on particular radical democratic sites that flourished in Italy between national unification and the rise of fascism... I show how the built environment shaped individuals' actions, identities, and interpretations...».
Language eng
Names [author] Kohn, Margaret Leah
Teoria Politica
Spazio Politico
political theory
Political space