Ingrao, Pietro

"E' un vecchio bolscevico" [Abdullah Ocalan]

Ingrao: l'ho capito quando l'ho incontrato
[Interview by Maria Corbi]
is part of La Stampa , January 18, 1999 , pp. 3
Pietro Ingrao had a long conversation with Ocalan in early December, 1998. Ocalan impressed him as being something of an "old Bolshevik, with both its defects and positive qualities." Ocalan referred to the history of Italy and referred to Machiavelli and Gramsci. He began to discuss problems of the State and politics as they were in Gramsci and Machiavelli... I readily understood that Ocalan is one of those men of action of this century who have always been concerned with developing a cultural motivation».
Language ita
Names [author] Ingrao, Pietro
[curatore] Corbi, Maria
Ocalan, Abdullah
Attualità 1999
All'Estero: Turchia
Ocalan, Abdullah
actuality 1999
Abroad, Turkey