Iida, Momo

Guramushi no nanboku-mondai, tôzai-mondai, rekishiteki-borokku [The North-South and East-West Problems and the Historical Bloc in Gramsci]

Edited by Kyotomo Ishidô, Momo Iida, Kaoru Katagiri.
is part of Ikiteiru Guramushi Tokyo: Shakaihyôron-sha, 1989 , pp. 395-447
Now in Iida, Apure-fôdizumu no jidai to Guramushi. Tokyo: Ochanomizu-shobô, 1991.
Language jpn
Names [author] Iida, Momo
Blocco Storico
Oriente Occidente
Historical bloc
North South
East West