Gordon, Neve

Social Control of Democracies: A Theoretical Analysis

Ph.D. Dissertation.
South Bend: University of Notre Dame, 1999
«This dissertations takes into account the extent of inequality, deprivation, and marginalization of large segments of the population in the U.S. and other industrialized countries, and examines how existing social structures are maintained without the constant use of force... I turn to the writings of three eminent political thinkers: Antonio Gramsci, Hannah Arendt, and Michel Foucault. Drawing on each of these thinkers most persuasive arguments, I create a synthesis of their work, often using a claim made by one as a corrective suggestion to the other....».
Language eng
Names [author] Gordon, Neve
Arendt, Hanna
Foucault, Michel
Arendt, Hanna
Foucault, Michel