Gonzales, Lelia

Lelia fala de Lelia [Lelia According to Lelia]

is part of Estudos Feministas , II , 2 , 1994 , 383-386
«Excerpts from an interview are used to pay tribute to Gonzales, a militant intellectual in both the black movement & women's movement in Brazil who died in 1994. As the seventeenth of e ighteen children in a poor family with a black father & Indian mother, Gonzales was not expected to go beyond elementary school. However, she completed secondary school in Belo Horizonte & then earned degrees in history & philosophy. She adapted the mannerisms of white Brazilians, & married a white man despite protests from his family. Later in life, she found it necessary to get in contact with her African roots. In political discussions with many other Brazilian blacks, she discovered that although they were well-versed in Karl Marx & Antonio Gramsci, they knew very little about Afro-Brazilian culture. The cultural resistance offered by blacks in the US, Brazil, or anywhere else, can be understood only with the profound, serious knowledge of the institutions of the various African cultures».
Language por
Names [author] Gonzales, Lelia
All'Estero: Brasile
Afro Americani
Abroad, Brazil