Gerratana, Valentino


[Critical Edicion of Gramsci Institute. Edited by Valentino Gerratana. Tome 1: Notebooks 1 (XVI) 1929-1930; 2 (XXIV) 1929-1933. Translation by Ana María Palos, Revised by José Luis Gonzáles]
is part of Antonio Gramsci, Cuadernos de la cárcel. México, D.F.: Ediciones Era, 1981 , pp. 11 - 36
This is the first volume of the 6-volume Spanish translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere».
Language spa
Names [author] Gerratana, Valentino
[traduttore] Palos, Ana Marìa
[traduttore] Gonzàles, José Louis
Quaderni del carcere, Spagnolo
Prison Notebooks Spanish