Gallina, Paul Leonard

Freedom and Necessity: Antonio Gramsci's Philosophy of Praxis

Ph.D. Dissertation.
[s.l.]: University of Guelph, 1990
«This thesis explores the theme of freedom and necessity as it emerges in Antonio Gramsci's account of the destruction and reconstruction of the philosophy of praxis. In short, this study deals with the philosophical basis of Gramsci's attempt to reconcile two apparently opposite approaches to social change: that is, the freedom of transformative collective activity, and necessity of economic forces. Furthermore, it is argued that Gramsci's philosophy of praxis is based on the Theses on Feuerbach and A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. As such, it rejects solely idealist readings of Gramsci.».
Language eng
Names [author] Gallina, Paul Leonard
Filosofia della Praxis
Philosophy of praxis