Fissore Gianpaolo - Meinardi, Giancarlo

La questione meridionale

Torino: Loescher, 1976, 287
A collection of Gramsci's writings on the Southern Question from the Unity of Italy to 1970. It includes several articles by Gramsci preceded by brief introductions. Cf. the republication of the follow ing articles: «Operai e contadini» ( Ordine Nuovo, January 3, 1920), pp 146-48; «Il Mezzogiorno e il fascismo» ( Ordine Nuovo, March 15, 1924), pp. 152-55, and some selections taken from Alcune temi), pp. 174-78.
Language ita
Names [author] Fissore Gianpaolo
[author] Meinardi, Giancarlo
Questione Meridionale (O Meridionalismo)
Southern Question (or Southernism)