Elliott, Gregory

Althusser: The Detour of Theory

London - New York: Verso, 1987, vii, 359 (ad nomen)
«My own view... is that Althusser is among the most significant Marxist thinkers this century; that his return to Marx has strong claims to be considered the most original enterprise in Communist, if not Marxist, philosophy since Lukács'sHistory and Class Consciousness (and superior to it), and the most fruitful development of historical materialism since Gramsci'sPrison Notebooks (though NOT superior to them); and that his work remains of relevance today.» (p.10).
Language eng
Names [author] Elliott, Gregory
Althusser, Louis
Materialismo Storico
Marxismo Occidentale
Marx, ritorno a
Althusser, Louis
historical materialism
Marxism Western
Marx, Return to