Degott, Vladimir

In "libera" clandestinità (Ricordi del lavoro clandestino all'estero negli anni 1919-21)

is part of L'Est , March 31, 1967 , pp. 177 - 214
Partial translation - the part regarding his operationsin Italy and France, almost three-fourths of the work - of «V "svobodnom" podpol'e (Vospominanija o podpol'noj rabote za granicej v 1919-1921 godach)».
Language ita
Names [author] Degott, Vladimir
Bolscevichi Agenti
Wizner, Aron (o Wisner)
Testimonianze, Urss
Riedel, Daniel
Bolshevik agents
Wizner, Aron (o Wisner)
Memoirs Ussr
Riedel, Daniel
Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International)