Chauvet, Lucrecia Escudero - Pinto, Julio Pimentel - Borelli, Silvia - Simões, Helena

Umberto Eco, os anos 60 e os "estudos culturais"

is part of Margem , 7 , Brazil , August, 1998 , pp. 111 - 120
«....Eco's introduction of popular culture analysis into sociology & anthropology was influenced by the works of Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, & other members of the Frankfurt school & by the cultural studies of Antonio Gramsci....».
Language por
Names [author] Chauvet, Lucrecia Escudero
[author] Pinto, Julio Pimentel
[author] Borelli, Silvia
[author] Simões, Helena
Eco, Umberto
Cultura Popolare
Cultural Studies
Eco, Umberto
Popular culture
Cultural studies