Cadena, Gilbert R.

I leaders religiosi come intellettuali organici. Sacerdoti e suore attivisti nella comunità chicana

is part of Religioni e società , X , 22-23 , May-December, 1995 , 195-207
«Religious leaders are not ordinarily viewed as intellectuals, but rather as ecclesiastical specialists. However, Catholic priests & sisters play a role in the production of ideologies reflecting change in socioeconomic context. The work of Mexican-American Catholic priests & sisters is examined using the concept of the organic intellectual developed by Antonio Gramsci (1975). Analysis of interview & biographical data from 2 priests & 2 sisters in southern CA focuses on the concrete aspects of implementing liberation theology. It is concluded that these leaders can contribute to the reappropriation of Chicano empowerment.... (M.M)».
Language ita
Names [author] Cadena, Gilbert R.
Ispanico Americani
Chiesa cattolica
Intellettuali Organici
Teologia Della Liberazione
Hispanic Americans
Intellectuals organic
Theology of liberation