Buttigieg, Joseph A.

Gramsci Zivilgesellschaf und die "civil society"-Debatte

is part of Das Argument , 206 (4-5) , July-October, 1994 , pp. 529 - 554
Special issue on «Ethik und Staat: Zivilgesellschaft». Section: "Gramsci und die Theorie der Zivilgesellschaft".
«Argues that liberal interpretations of Antonio Gramsci's concept of civil society are incomplete. Liberal arguments posit Gramsci as a democratic thinker & use his concept of civil society to advocate expansion of the private sphere & free market. Such arguments are misguided, not because Gramsci was an undemocratic thinker, but because he stressed the limits of democratic systems....».
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Names [author] Buttigieg, Joseph A.
Società Civile
Civil society