Bruhn, Kathleen

Antonio Gramsci and the "palabra verdadera"

The Political Discourse of Mexico's Guerrilla Forces
is part of Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs , 41 , 2 , Miami : University of Miami , Summer, 1999 , pp. 29 - 55

«The writer examines the political strategies of the Mexico's Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) in Chiapas and the Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR), which operates mostly in Oaxaca and Guerrero, through a content analysis of their communiqués. These two guerrilla movements demonstrate, through their cultural production, significantly different priorities and preferences, and these preferences reflect different strategic choices. Whereas the EZLN has chosen to pursue a revolutionary strategy similar in particular methods to the "war of position" advocated by Antonio Gramsci, the EPR remains closer to the "war of movement».

Language eng
Names [author] Bruhn, Kathleen
Messico, Chiapas
Guerra di movimento/guerra di posizione
Marcos (Subcomandante)
Messico, Chiapas
War of movement-war of position
Marcos (Subcomandante)