Berti, Giuseppe

Introduzione. Appunti e ricordi 1919-1926

is part of Annali Istituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli , VIII, 1966
The same introduction appears in Berti, «Appunti e ricordi, 1919-1926» in I primi dieci anni di vita del P.C.I.... (1967).«Berti criticizes Gramsci's extremism and his aspiration for a total renewal of society through schemes of a spontaneous Leninism. The predominance of Bordiga and Bordighism were due to Gramsci's theoretical weakness and the idealistic voluntarism of the council movement and "Ordine Nuovo.» (M.B.).
Language ita
Names [author] Berti, Giuseppe
Togliatti, P. prima del 1925
Bordiga, Amadeo
Tasca, Angelo
Pcdi 1919-26
Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International)
Togliatti, P. until 1925
Bordiga, Amadeo
Tasca, Angelo
Pcdi 1919-26