Bernardini, Dino

Gli inediti di Gramsci e un racconto di Veresaev

is part of Slavia , 4 , October-December, 1999 , 53
The article is signed "d.b." It deals with an interview in L'Espresso (July 3, 1997) of Aldo Natoli (cf. infra), which erroneously stated that three of Gramsci's letters were unpublished. In the appendix, Bernardini presents a story by Vikentij Veresaev on an unpublished (and fabricated) writing by Tolstoj.
Language ita
Names [author] Bernardini, Dino
Natoli Aldo
Veresaev, Vikentij
Tolstoj, Leone
Espresso (periodical)
Natoli Aldo
Veresaev, Vikentij
Tolstoy, Leo