Fiske, John
Edited by David Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen.
in Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies.,
London - New York: Rouledge, 1996, pp. 212-20
Hall, Stuart; Articolazione (o flessibilità); Blocco Storico; Culturalismo strutturalismo; Foucault, Michel
Prendergast, Christopher
Edward Said, intellectuel en mouvement
in Critique,
December, 1996, 1038-55
Said, Edward; Foucault, Michel; Intellettuali
Radhakrishnan, R. (Rajagopalan)
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996, xxix, 217
Foucault, Michel
Norval, Aleta J.
London: Verso, 1996
Sudafrica; Apartheid; Derrida, Jacques; Foucault, Michel; Studi di caso
Kouvelakis, Eustache
in L'Ordre capitaliste. Congrès Marx international, [Paris, Nanterre, 1995],
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1996, pp. 83 - 94
Postfordismo; Foucault, Michel