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McNally, David
in Ellen Meiksins Wood and John Bellamy Foster, eds., In Defense of History. Marxism and the PostModern Agenda, pp. 26-42., New York: Monthly Review Press, 1997
Lingua (e Linguistica); Vološinov, Valentin Nikolaevič; Bakhtin, Mikhail; Foucault, Michel; Thompson, Edward P.; Haraszti, Miklos; Hamper, Ben
Holub, Renate
[A.G.: Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism]. Translation by Mohsen Hakimi
Tehran: Ceshme, 1374/1995, 345 p.
Manzoni, Alessandro; Francoforte, Scuola Di; Pirandello, Luigi; Dante Alighieri; Lingua (e Linguistica); Donne; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Foucault, Michel
Holub, Renate
London & New York: Routledge, 1992, xii, 247
Manzoni, Alessandro; Francoforte, Scuola Di; Pirandello, Luigi; Dante Alighieri; Lingua (e Linguistica); Donne; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Foucault, Michel