Visualizzati gli elementi 1 - 9 su 9
Bozzoli, Linda
in Radical History Review, 1990, 237-63
Intellettuali; All'Estero: Sudafrica; Studi di caso
Greene, Naomi
in Italian Quarterly, Winter-Spring, 1990, 81-100
Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Intellettuali
Johnson, R.W.
in New Statesman & Society, July 6, 1990, 26(4)
Intellettuali; Orwell, George; Sudafrica
Lazarus, N.
in Rethinking Marxism, Fall-Winter, 1990, 155-65
Imperialismo; Intellettuali
Ledwith, Margaret A.
The Application of His Theoretical Concepts to Working-Class Adult Education
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Manchester: Victoria University of Manchester, 1990, 260 p.
Egemonia; Intellettuali; Educazione Per Adulti; Inghilterra
Petras, James
in Latin American Perspectives, Spring, 1990, 102(11)
Intellettuali; All'Estero: America Latina
Radhakrishnan, R
in Intellectuals: Aesthetics, Politics, Academics. Edited by Bruce Robbins., Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990, pp. 59 - 99
Intellettuali; Egemonia; Foucault, Michel
Gill, Stephen
in Socialist Register 1990: The Retreat of the Intellectuals. Edited by Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch, London ; New York: Merlin ; Monthly Review press, 1990, pp. 290 - 310
Neogramscismo; Relazioni Internazionali; Intellettuali
Wood, Ellen Meiksins
in Socialist Register 1990: The Retreat of the Intellectuals. Edited by Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch, London ; New York: Merlin ; Monthly Review press, 1990, pp. 60 - 84
Società Civile; Intellettuali