Visualizzati gli elementi 2951 - 3000 su 3282
Musacchio, E.
in Forum Italicum, September, 1968, pp. 274+
Bianco, Gino
in Survey, April, 1968, pp. 150 - 156
Pcdi (Partito comunista d'Italia) (1921-1943); Bordiga, Amadeo; Biografia, 1919-1926
Anderson, Perry
in New Left Review, 1968, pp. 3 - 57
Cultura; All'Estero: Gran Bretagna
Anderson, Perry
in New Left Review, 1968, 22-27
All'Estero: Gran Bretagna; Consigli Di Fabbrica
Tarrow, Sidney G.
in American Political Science Review, 1968, 253-55
Thayer, John
in Journal of Modern History, December, 1968, 311-14
Galli, Giorgio - Mancini, Federico
in Government and Opposition, 1968, pp. 325 - 338
Genovese, Eugene D.
Edited by Barton Bernstein.
in Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History, New York: Pantheon Books, 1968, pp. 90-125
Genovese, Eugene D.
in Journal of Social History, 1968, pp. 378 - 394
Harman, Chris
in International Socialism, 1968/69, pp. 24 - 32
Partito Politico; Lavoro
Rosengarten, Frank
Cleveland: The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1968
Antifascismo; Giornalismo; Pci (Partito comunista italiano) (1943-1991); Unità (L') 1924-1926 (quotidiano fondato da Gramsci); Stato Operaio; Avanti!
Salomone, A. William
in Political Science Quarterly, 1968, 311-13
Sarkar, Susobhan
[New Delhi, India]
in Mainstream, November 2, 1968, pp. 17 - 26
All'Estero: India
Marek, Franz
in Marxism Today, January, 1968, pp. 25 - 30
Marcuse, Herbert
Martinelli, Alberto
in Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 1968, pp. 1 - 27
Rivoluzione; Egemonia
McInnes, Neil
in Politics, 1968, pp. 112 - 118
Merrington, John
in Socialist Register, London ; New York: Merlin; Monthly Review press, 1968, pp. 145 - 176
Cammett, John M.
Compiled and Edited by Hayden V. White.
in The Uses of History. Essays in Intellectual and Social History, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1968, pp. 175-86
Intellettuali Italiani; Cultura
Davidson, Alastair
Sidney: Australian Left Review Publications, 1968, 106
Biografia Politica Generale
Davidson, Alastair
in Australian Left Review, 1968, 51-63; 59-70
Biografia Generale
Davidson, Alastair
in Australian Left Review, June-July, 1968, pp. 42 - 51
Evans, Robert H.
in The Review of Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968, pp. 370 - 373
in Times Literary Supplement, August 24, 1967, 753-54
All'Estero: Gran Bretagna
Anderson, Perry
edited by Robin Blackburn and Alexander Cockburn
in The Incompatibles: Trade Union Militancy and the Consensus / Edited by Robin Blackburn and Alexander Cockburn, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967, pp. 263 - 280
Classe Operaia; Consigli Di Fabbrica
Barzini, Luigi
in New York Review of Books, 1967, pp. 18 - 25
Bianco, Gino
in Survey, January, 1967, pp. 114 - 120
Pci (Partito comunista italiano) (1943-1991)
Tarrow, Sidney
New Haven-London: Yale Un. Press, 1967, 389
Tarrow, Sidney G.
in American Political Science Review, 1967, pp. 39 - 53
Pci (Partito comunista italiano) (1943-1991)
Wallace, Lillian P.
in Annals of the American Academy of Political Science, July, 1967, 155
Genovese, Eugene D.
in Studies on the Left, March-April, 1967, 83-107
All'Estero: Usa
Harvey, James
in Marxism Today, April, 1967, pp. 114 - 120
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
in The Nation, 1967, 249-50
Krasso, Nicolas
in New Left Review, July-August, 1967, pp. 64 - 86
Trockij, Lev Davidovi� (Bronstein)
Poulantzas, Nicos
in New Left Review, May-June, 1967, pp. 57 - 74
All'Estero: Gran Bretagna
Prezzolini, Giuseppe
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,, 1967, viii, 372
Machiavelli, Niccolò
in Horizons. The Marxist Quarterly, 1967, pp. 82 - 84
All'Estero: Canada
Seton-Watson, Christopher
London: Methuen & Co., 1967, x, 772
fascismo, origini del
Longo, Luigi
in Foreign Bulletin of the Italian Communist Party, 1967, pp. 22 - 35
Commemorazione 1967
Markovic, Mihailo
in Praxis, 1967, pp. 323 - 339
Politica, Teoria Della
McInnes, Neil
Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
in The Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967: The influence of Bolshevism on the world outside Russia, London-New York-Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1967, pp. 63, 119-20, 130-31
Rivoluzione Russa
Calamandrei, Franco
in World Marxist Review, August, 1967, pp. 37 - 39
Partito politico dei lavoratori; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto; Antieconomicismo
Cammett, John M.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967, xiv, 306
Biografia Generale
Cammett, John M.
in Science & Society, 1967, pp. 149 - 163
Fascismo, Interpretazione di G. del; Comintern
Delzell, Charles F.
in American Historical Review, 1967, 1441-42
Anderson, Perry
in New Left Review, 1966, pp. 2 - 55
Anderson, Perry - Blackburn, Robin
edited for the New Left Review by Perry Anderson and Robin Blackburn ; introduction to the American edition by Andrew Hacker
in Towards Socialism., Ithaca, N.Y. ; London: Cornell University Press ; Collins, 1966, pp. 221-90
Sociale; Egemonia; All'Estero: Gran Bretagna
Boromé, Joseph A.
in Library Journal, November 15, 1966, 5598
Lichtheim, George
in Problems of Communism, July-August, 1966, pp. 24 - 25
Marxismo; Lukács, György; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'iÄ� Ul'janov, detto; Egemonia