in L'Unità,
[edizione piemontese]: December 6, 1977
Pirelli, fabbrica; Lavoro; Mostra 1977 Torino; Biografia, 1919-1926
- Reset
- 1 result found
- (-) Pirelli factory
- (-) 1977
- Hegemony pluralism (77)
- Hegemony (46)
- Eurocommunism (36)
- Political theory (33)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (29)
- State (29)
- Catholicism (or Catholics) (22)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (22)
- Convention- (21)
- Biography prison (19)
- Mezzogiorno (17)
- Revolution (17)
- Councils Workers (16)
- Svolta 1930 (turning point) (16)
- actuality 1977 (13)
- Bibliography (on or related to Gramsci) (13)
- Parties political (13)
- Intellectuals (12)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (12)
- Civil society (11)
- Memoirs prison Turi (11)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (11)
- Biography, General (9)
- Democracy (9)
- Education (9)
- memoirs (9)
- Memoirs Turin (9)
- Philosophy of praxis (9)
- Psi (Italian Socialist Party) (9)
- Sardism (9)
- Croce, Benedetto (8)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (8)
- Literature (8)
- Memoirs Milan (8)
- Religion (8)
- Russian Revolution (8)
- Sardinia (8)
- Art (7)
- Biography, 1919-1926 (7)
- Bordiga, Amadeo (7)
- Culture (7)
- Gentile, Giovanni (7)
- Ideology (7)
- Monument Pomodoro (7)
- Passive revolution (7)
- Quaderni del carcere, 1975 (V. Gerratana's "critical edition" of the Quaderni del carcere completed in 1975) (7)
- Turin (7)
- Ales (6)
- Biography death (6)
- Commemoration 1977 (6)
- Fascism (6)
- Memoirs general (6)
- Prison Notebooks (6)
- Revolution in the West (6)
- Risorgimento (6)
- Abroad, Great Britain (5)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (5)
- Fascism interpretations (5)
- historiography (5)
- Italian Road to Socialism (5)
- Journalism (5)
- Language (including Linguistics) (5)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (5)
- Memoirs 1917-1920 (5)
- Memoirs Rome (5)
- Sraffa, Piero (5)
- Abroad, France (4)
- Abroad, USSR (4)
- Biography "conversion" Catholicism (4)
- Biography, Summary (4)
- Convention 1977 Frattocchie (4)
- Historical bloc (4)
- Historicism (4)
- Labor (4)
- Labriola, Antonio (4)
- Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920 (4)
- Pcdi, Congress 1 Livorno (1921) (4)
- Political Theory Marxist (4)
- Structure superstructure (4)
- Subaltern (4)
- Togliatti, P. until 1925 (4)
- Althusser, Louis (3)
- Americanism Fordism (3)
- Biography, 1917-1920 (3)
- Biography youth (3)
- Bobbio, Norberto (3)
- Della Vedova, Giuseppe (3)
- Depression 1930s (3)
- Economic theory (3)
- Exhibition 1977, Turin (3)
- Festa dell'Unità 1977 (3)
- Folklore (3)
- German Democratic Republic (DDR) (3)
- Influence in Italy (3)
- Literature general (3)
- Marx, Karl (3)
- Marxism Italian (3)
- National popular (3)
- New Left (3)
- Ordine Nuovo, daily (3)
- Philosophy (3)
- politics (3)
- Religion popular (3)
- rev-film-Del-Fra non identificato! (3)
- Tasca, Angelo (3)
- Togliatti, P. since 1944 (3)
- Unità, L', 1924-1926 (newspaper founded by Gramsci) (3)
- Volontarism (3)
- War of Position (3)
- Abroad, Germany (2)
- Abroad, USA (2)
- Aesthetic (2)
- Anarchism (2)
- Attributions (2)
- Biography, 1924-1926 (2)
- Biography, Chronology (2)
- Biography, Conversion to Catholicism (2)
- Biography, General Political (2)
- Biography arrest (2)
- Bollettino dell'Opposizione Comunista Italiana (Pci) (2)
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (2)
- Cantimori, Delio (2)
- Carena Leonetti, Pia (2)
- Class (2)
- class-structure (2)
- Dante Alighieri (2)
- Della Volpe, Galvano (2)
- exhibition 1977 (Treccani) (2)
- Fiction, etc. on AG (2)
- Futurism (2)
- Gioberti, Vincenzo (2)
- Gobetti, Piero (2)
- Grieco Ruggero letter to Gramsci (2)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (2)
- Hegemony workers (2)
- Historical Compromise (2)
- Industry (2)
- institutions (2)
- Internationalism (2)
- Jacobinism (2)
- Literature criticism (2)
- Literature Marxism (2)
- Locarno Festival (2)
- Marxism Western (2)
- Memoirs (2)
- Memoirs collections (2)
- Memoirs prison Milan (2)
- Ordine Nuovo, weekly (2)
- Paggi, Leonardo (2)
- Pcdi, Executive Committee, January 1925, at Capanna Mara (2)
- Peasants (2)
- Poems on Gramsci (2)
- Popular culture (2)
- Prison Notebooks history 1937-47 (2)
- Proletkult (2)
- REV-film-Del-Fra non identificato! (2)
- rev-film-del-fra non identificato! (2)
- Ricardo, David (2)
- Serrati, Giacinto Menotti (2)
- Stalinism (2)
- terror (2)
- Togliatti editor (2)
- Treccani, Ernesto (2)
- Trotsky, Leon (2)
- Women (2)
- (-) Pirelli factory (1)