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- 1 result found
- (-) Legacy of A.G.
- (-) 1988
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (86)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (84)
- Biography prison (76)
- Hegemony (35)
- Mezzogiorno (32)
- Sardinia (28)
- Culture (20)
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionoviç Dzugašvili, detto (19)
- Intellectuals (18)
- Education (16)
- Political theory (16)
- Civil society (14)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (14)
- Americanism Fordism (12)
- Abroad, Latin America (11)
- Literature (10)
- Revolution (10)
- Labor (9)
- Letters from Prison (9)
- Women (9)
- Convention- (8)
- Croce, Benedetto (8)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (8)
- Subaltern (8)
- Svolta 1930 (turning point) (8)
- Abroad, USA (7)
- actuality 1988 (7)
- biog-prison-attempt-release (7)
- Common sense (7)
- Democracy (7)
- Film Baratta Amico (Gramsci l'ho visto così) (7)
- Abroad, India (6)
- Language (including Linguistics) (6)
- Leopardi, Giacomo (6)
- Marxism (6)
- Religion (6)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Ussr) (6)
- actuality (5)
- Biography conversion Psi (5)
- Historical bloc (5)
- Pacelli, Eugenio (Pius XII) (5)
- Philosophy (5)
- Schucht, Tania (5)
- State (5)
- Terracini, Umberto (5)
- Ussr campaign to free Gramsci (5)
- Abroad, Great Britain (4)
- Abroad, USSR (4)
- Biography, Prison (4)
- Cardia, Umberto (4)
- Catholicism (or Catholics) (4)
- Craxi, Bettino (4)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (4)
- Parties political (4)
- Philosophy of praxis (4)
- Popular culture (4)
- Psi (Italian Socialist Party) (4)
- Stalinism (4)
- theater (4)
- Abroad, France (3)
- Biography youth (3)
- Brazil (3)
- case studies (3)
- Communist Party USSR (3)
- Councils Workers (3)
- Economism (3)
- Education adult (3)
- Fascism (3)
- Fascism interpretations (3)
- Folklore (3)
- Grieco, Ruggero (3)
- India (3)
- Intellectuals organic (3)
- Jacobinism (3)
- Letters unpublished (3)
- Mosca, Gaetano (3)
- National popular (3)
- Passive revolution (3)
- Pcdi Congress 3 (Lyon) 1926, Theses (3)
- Pertini, Sandro (3)
- Political Theory, general (3)
- Prison Notebooks (3)
- Sardism (3)
- Schucht, Giulia (3)
- science (3)
- Southern Question (or Southernism) (3)
- Trotsky, Leon (3)
- Vatican (3)
- Vatican, release from prison (3)
- Abroad (Third World) (2)
- Abroad, China (2)
- Abroad, Japan (2)
- Abroad, Spain (2)
- Art (2)
- Berlinguer, Enrico (2)
- Bibliography Italy (2)
- Biography, 1919-1926 (2)
- Biography prison Turi (2)
- Biography summary (2)
- Bordiga, Amadeo (2)
- Breton, André (2)
- Campaign to free from prison (2)
- Collective intellectuals (2)
- Colonialism (2)
- Commemoration 1987 (2)
- Convention Stalinism Mondoperaio 1988 (2)
- Corporativism (2)
- Cultural studies (2)
- Documents (2)
- extreme left (2)
- French Revolution (2)
- German Democratic Republic (DDR) (2)
- historiography (2)
- Idealism (2)
- individual, the (2)
- Influence in Italy (2)
- International politics (2)
- Jazz (2)
- Journalism (2)
- Laclau, Ernest (2)
- Law (2)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (2)
- Marxism Western (2)
- Memoirs campaign to free (2)
- Morals (2)
- Nationalism (2)
- Natoli Aldo (2)
- Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920 (2)
- Pareto, Vilfredo (2)
- Peasants (2)
- Perestroika (2)
- Political realism (2)
- Political Theory Marxist (2)
- Post modern (or "Postmodernism") (2)
- Post World War I (2)
- Prezzolini, Giuseppe (2)
- Prison Notebooks structure (2)
- Revolution in the West (2)
- Santhià, Battista (2)
- Sociology (2)
- Sorel, Georges (2)
- Spirito, Ugo (2)
- Sraffa, Piero (2)
- Thatcherism (2)
- Togliatti editor (2)
- Totalitarianism (2)
- Trade unions (2)
- Turin (2)
- (-) Legacy of A.G. (1)