D'Alessandro, Leonardo Pompeo
in Francioni, Gianni, Un nuovo Gramsci,
Roma: Viella, 2020, pp. 197 - 220
Torino 1917; Egemonia; Fascismo
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- (-) Egemonia
- (-) Turin 1917
- Hegemony (1239)
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- Civil society (78)
- Education (69)
- Subaltern (47)
- State (46)
- Revolution (42)
- Language (including Linguistics) (41)
- Political theory (40)
- Historical bloc (39)
- Ideology (36)
- International relations (35)
- Prison Notebooks (34)
- Democracy (33)
- Culture (29)
- Marxism (27)
- case studies (25)
- Passive revolution (25)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (24)
- Brazil (23)
- Latin America (19)
- Literature (17)
- Philosophy of praxis (17)
- politics (17)
- Common sense (15)
- Parties political (15)
- Economic theory (14)
- actuality (13)
- Globalization (13)
- hegemony (13)
- Mezzogiorno (13)
- Althusser, Louis (12)
- India (12)
- Religion (12)
- Abroad, USA (11)
- Croce, Benedetto (11)
- Laclau, Ernest (11)
- Structure superstructure (11)
- Americanism Fordism (10)
- Councils Workers (10)
- France (10)
- Marx, Karl (10)
- Neo liberalism (10)
- Philosophy of Praxis (10)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (10)
- Capitalism (9)
- Catholicism (or Catholics) (9)
- China (9)
- Consensus (9)
- Journalism (9)
- National popular (9)
- Neo Gramscism (9)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (9)
- Abroad, Great Britain (8)
- Abroad, Latin America (8)
- Bourdieu, Pierre (8)
- Egemony (8)
- Eurocommunism (8)
- Fascism (8)
- Law (8)
- War of Position (8)
- Class (7)
- Class struggle (7)
- Cultural power (7)
- Foucault, Michel (7)
- historiography (7)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (7)
- Subaltern Studies (7)
- United States (7)
- Bakhtin, Mikhail (6)
- Bartoli, Matteo (6)
- Freire, Paulo (6)
- Imperialism (6)
- Jacobinism (6)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (6)
- Peasants (6)
- Political Theory, general (6)
- power (6)
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- Working class (6)
- Australia (5)
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- Cultural studies (5)
- Domination (5)
- Education adult (5)
- Gentile, Giovanni (5)
- Hall, Stuart (5)
- Historical materialism (5)
- Intellectuals organic (5)
- Linguistic (5)
- Modernity (5)
- Mouffe, Chantal (5)
- National (5)
- Passive Revolution (5)
- Philosophy (5)
- Political Theory Marxist (5)
- Abroad, Brazil (4)
- Anthropology (4)
- Argentina (4)
- Cox, Robert (4)
- Dictatorship (4)
- Diplomacy (4)
- Economism (4)
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- Immigration (4)
- Integral State (4)
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- Lukács, György (4)
- Marxism Western (4)
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- pluralism (4)
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- Risorgimento (4)
- Russian Revolution (4)
- Socialism (4)
- Social movements (4)
- Sociology (4)
- theater (4)
- Third world (4)
- Totalitarianism (4)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Ussr) (4)
- Violence (4)
- War of movement-war of position (4)
- Abroad (General) (3)
- actuality 1997 (3)
- Aesthetic (3)
- Bobbio, Norberto (3)
- Bourgeoisie (3)
- Chile (3)
- Church (3)
- Civil Society (3)
- class-structure (3)
- Class consciousness (3)
- Collective identity (3)
- Common Sense (3)
- Communications (3)
- Cultural Studies (3)
- De Felice, Franco (3)
- Dialectic (3)
- Education (General) (3)
- Folklore (3)
- Fordism (3)
- General will (3)
- Gramscism, Right-wing (3)
- Historicism (3)
- Idealism (3)
- Influence in Italy (3)
- Interdependence (3)
- Italian Road to Socialism (3)
- Leadership (3)
- Leninism (3)
- Lo Piparo, Franco (3)
- Nation state (3)
- Pedagogy (3)
- pedagogy (3)
- Philosophical, Theory (3)
- Positivism (3)
- Postfordism (3)
- Postmarxism (3)
- Post Marxism (3)
- Post modern (or "Postmodernism") (3)
- Renaissance (3)
- Socialism, "real" (3)
- Sorel, Georges (3)
- South Africa (3)
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionoviç Dzugašvili, detto (3)
- Subjectivity (3)
- Television (3)
- Transformism (3)
- Turkey (3)
- Volontarism (3)
- War of Movement (3)
- Weber, Max (3)
- Williams, Raymond (3)
- Abroad, Canada (2)
- Abroad, Chile (2)
- Abroad, China (2)
- Abroad, India (2)
- actuality 1998 (2)
- Africa (2)
- africa (2)
- Alienation (2)
- Anderson, Perry (2)
- Apartheid (2)
- Arab world (2)
- Asia (2)
- Autonomy (2)
- Biography, General (2)
- Bogdanov, Alexander (2)
- Bonapartism (2)
- Britain (2)
- Bureaucracy (2)
- Caesarism (2)
- Canada (2)
- Cantimori, Delio (2)
- Centralism (2)
- Collective will (2)
- Colombia (2)
- Commemoration 1991 (Centenary of Gramsci's birth) (2)
- Comunism (2)
- Consciousness (2)
- Cospito, Giuseppe (2)
- Coutinho, Carlos Nelson (2)
- Dictatorship proletariat (2)
- Ecology (2)
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- Education, Adult (2)
- Einaudi, editor (2)
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- Empiricism (2)
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- Feminism (2)
- Frankfurt School (2)
- German Democratic Republic (DDR) (2)
- Ghilarza (2)
- Global civil society (2)
- Globalism (2)
- Grammar (2)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (2)
- Hegemony coercion (2)
- individual, the (2)
- International politics (2)
- Internazionalism (2)
- Iran (2)
- Italian Communism (2)
- Japan (2)
- Labriola, Antonio (2)
- Language Question (2)
- Letters from Prison (2)
- Market (2)
- Mass-Communications (2)
- Middle East Wars (2)
- Modernization (2)
- Morals (2)
- music (2)
- Neoliberalism (2)
- Nicaragua (2)
- Organic crisis (2)
- Organic Intellectuals (2)
- parties (2)
- Party, Political (2)
- Pax Americana (2)
- Philosophy Theory (2)
- Politcal Theory (2)
- Politics (2)
- Popper, Karl (2)
- Popular culture (2)
- populism (2)
- Portantiero, Juan Carlos (2)
- Postcolonialism (2)
- Poulantzas, Nicos (2)
- Praxis (2)
- Proletarian Culture (2)
- Punjab (2)
- Quaderni del carcere, 1975 (V. Gerratana's "critical edition" of the Quaderni del carcere completed in 1975) (2)
- Qu Qiubai (2)
- Reform intellectual moral (2)
- Revolution in the West (2)
- Rhetoric (2)
- Said, Edward (2)
- Sardinia (2)
- Saussure, Ferdinand de (2)
- Science (2)
- Semiotics (2)
- Sexuality (2)
- Slavery (2)
- Social (2)
- Social Movement (2)
- Southern Question (2)
- Southern Question (or Southernism) (2)
- Sri-Lanka (2)
- State - civil society (2)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (2)
- Togliatti, P. since 1944 (2)
- Transition (2)
- West (2)
- Will collective (2)
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (2)
- Zimbabwe (2)
- (-) Turin 1917 (1)