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- 1 result found
- (-) Biografia, 1919-1926
- (-) Valpolcevera
- Biography, 1919-1926 (184)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (52)
- Bordiga, Amadeo (33)
- Turin (19)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (18)
- Psi (Italian Socialist Party) (16)
- Togliatti, P. until 1925 (12)
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele (11)
- Post World War I (11)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (11)
- Councils Workers (8)
- Labor (8)
- Ordine Nuovo, weekly (8)
- Biography 1919-1926 (7)
- Occupation factories (7)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (7)
- Trotsky, Leon (7)
- Antifascism (6)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (1919-1926) (6)
- Fascism (6)
- memoirs (6)
- Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920 (6)
- Pcdi, Congress 1 Livorno (1921) (6)
- Gobetti, Piero (5)
- Journalism (5)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (5)
- Biography prison (4)
- Fascism interpretations (4)
- Grieco, Ruggero (4)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (4)
- Memoirs Ordine Nuovo (4)
- Ordine Nuovo, daily (4)
- Organization (4)
- Serrati, Giacinto Menotti (4)
- Stalinism (4)
- United Front (4)
- Aventine (3)
- Communist Party USSR (3)
- Historiography Pci (3)
- Pcdi 1921-1926 (3)
- Peasants (3)
- Revolution (3)
- Russian Revolution (3)
- Tasca, Angelo (3)
- Terracini, Umberto (3)
- Voce, La (3)
- Zini, Zino (3)
- Attributions (2)
- Berti, Giuseppe (2)
- Bibliography (on or related to Gramsci) (2)
- Biella (2)
- Biography, Prison (2)
- Biography youth (2)
- Carena Leonetti, Pia (2)
- Comintern (2)
- Daniele, Nino (2)
- Fascism, origins of the (2)
- Fiat (2)
- Fiume (2)
- Futurism (2)
- historiography (2)
- Humbert-Droz, Jules (2)
- Pcdi Congress 3 (Lyon, France) 1926 (2)
- Pcdi Congress regional - Sardinia -1924 (Is Arenas) (2)
- Piedmont (2)
- Political theory (2)
- Schucht, Giulia (2)
- Spriano, Paolo (2)
- Terzini (left faction of the Partito socialista italiano) (2)
- World War I (2)
- (-) Valpolcevera (1)