Labanyi, Jo
Sao Paolo: Fundação Memorial da América Latina, 1998, 26
All'Estero: Spagna
- Reset
- 1 result found
- (-) por
- (-) Abroad, Spain
- Education (130)
- Hegemony (117)
- Brazil (105)
- Democracy (44)
- Marxism (42)
- Intellectuals (41)
- Civil society (39)
- Philosophy of praxis (37)
- State (37)
- Latin America (33)
- politics (30)
- Subaltern (30)
- Prison Notebooks (27)
- Abroad, Brazil (26)
- Passive revolution (24)
- Revolution (24)
- Philosophy (18)
- Russian Revolution (18)
- Culture (15)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (15)
- Social movements (15)
- Political theory (14)
- Class struggle (12)
- Marx, Karl (11)
- Abroad, Latin America (10)
- Globalization (10)
- Ideology (10)
- Socialism (10)
- Americanism Fordism (9)
- historiography (9)
- Pedagogy (9)
- Religion (9)
- actuality (8)
- Crisis (8)
- Education (General) (8)
- Law (8)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (8)
- Risorgimento (8)
- Biography, General (7)
- Capitalism (7)
- Consensus (7)
- Croce, Benedetto (7)
- Historicism (7)
- International relations (7)
- Jacobinism (7)
- Labor (7)
- Collective will (6)
- Common sense (6)
- Historical bloc (6)
- Literature (6)
- philology (6)
- Reform intellectual moral (6)
- Councils Workers (5)
- Coutinho, Carlos Nelson (5)
- Fascism (5)
- Letters from Prison (5)
- Notebook 13 (5)
- Organization (5)
- Popular culture (5)
- Social sciences (5)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (5)
- Biography, General Political (4)
- Biography, Prison (4)
- Dialectic (4)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (4)
- individual, the (4)
- Luxemburg, Rosa (4)
- Modernity (4)
- Pareto, Vilfredo (4)
- Scritti giovanili (4)
- Sorel, Georges (4)
- Violence (4)
- Weber, Max (4)
- Working class (4)
- Art (3)
- Bibliography Portuguese (3)
- Biography summary (3)
- Bourgeoisie (3)
- Church (3)
- Colonialism (3)
- De Sanctis, Francesco (3)
- Emancipation (3)
- Fascism interpretations (3)
- Freud, Sigmund (3)
- Human development (3)
- Integral State (3)
- Intellectuals organic (3)
- Mariátegui, José Carlos (3)
- Mezzogiorno (3)
- Modern prince (3)
- National popular (3)
- Passive Revolution (3)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (3)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (3)
- Political Theory, general (3)
- populism (3)
- power (3)
- Reform (3)
- school (3)
- Translatability of Gramsci (3)
- Unitary School (3)
- West (3)
- Abroad (General) (2)
- Althusser, Louis (2)
- America Latina (2)
- Anthropology (2)
- Bibliography (on or related to Gramsci) (2)
- Campaign to free from prison (2)
- Class (2)
- Cultura (2)
- Cultural Hegemony (2)
- Dictatorship (2)
- Economic theory (2)
- Education adult (2)
- Education socialism (2)
- Engagement (2)
- France (2)
- Freire, Paulo (2)
- French Revolution (2)
- General Memoirs (2)
- General will (2)
- Historical Bloc (2)
- Historiography (2)
- Idealism (2)
- Language (including Linguistics) (2)
- Marxismo (2)
- Modernization (2)
- National-Popular (2)
- Neoliberalism (2)
- Organic Intellectuals (2)
- Partido do Trabahadores - Brazil (2)
- Parties political (2)
- pedagogy (2)
- Philosophy (General) (2)
- Philosophy of Praxis (2)
- Political realism (2)
- Positivism (2)
- Postfordism (2)
- Psychoanalysis (2)
- Reformism (2)
- Revisionism (2)
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (2)
- science, dissemination (2)
- Sociology (2)
- Sociology of knowledge (2)
- strategy (2)
- Structure superstructure (2)
- Student movement (2)
- Subaltern Studies (2)
- Subjectivity (2)
- Transformism (2)
- Trotsky, Leon (2)
- United Front (2)
- Vygotsky, Lev (2)
- (-) Abroad, Spain (1)