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- (-) Internationalism
- Hegemony (37)
- Abroad, Japan (23)
- Civil society (21)
- Education (18)
- Intellectuals (16)
- actuality (15)
- Councils Workers (14)
- State (13)
- Culture (11)
- Philosophy of praxis (11)
- Prison Notebooks (11)
- Revolution (11)
- Fordism (10)
- Marxism (10)
- Economic theory (9)
- Trotsky, Leon (9)
- Women (9)
- Political theory (8)
- historiography (7)
- Biography, General (6)
- Fascism (6)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (6)
- Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920 (6)
- Parties political (6)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (6)
- Philosophy (6)
- Americanism Fordism (5)
- Bibliography Japan (5)
- Passive revolution (5)
- Working class (5)
- Abroad, USA (4)
- Biography, General Political (4)
- Conformism (4)
- Croce, Benedetto (4)
- Historicism (4)
- Human nature (4)
- Language (including Linguistics) (4)
- Quaderni del carcere, 1975 (V. Gerratana's "critical edition" of the Quaderni del carcere completed in 1975) (4)
- Risorgimento (4)
- Abroad (General) (3)
- Americanism (3)
- Biography prison (3)
- Biography summary (3)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (3)
- Commemoration 1991 (Centenary of Gramsci's birth) (3)
- Cultural studies (3)
- Find (3)
- Japan (3)
- Journalism (3)
- Materialism (3)
- Ordine Nuovo, weekly (3)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (3)
- Quaderno 7 (3)
- Reform intellectual moral (3)
- Sraffa, Piero (3)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (3)
- Tokyo Gramsci Society (3)
- Translatability of Gramsci (3)
- "i, T (2)
- Abroad (Third World) (2)
- Abroad, Great Britain (2)
- Abroad, Korea (2)
- actuality 1962 (2)
- actuality 1973 (2)
- actuality 1987 (2)
- actuality 1988 (2)
- Anarchism (2)
- Antifascism (2)
- Bibliography Italy (2)
- Biography, 1919-1926 (2)
- Catholicism (or Catholics) (2)
- Common sense (2)
- Community (2)
- Convention- (2)
- Democracy (2)
- Democratic centralism (2)
- Deregulation (2)
- Education (General) (2)
- Engels, Friederich (2)
- Fuwa, Tetsuzô (2)
- Grammar (2)
- Hegemony counter (2)
- Historical bloc (2)
- Influence in Italy (2)
- Jacobinism (2)
- Labor (2)
- Literature criticism (2)
- Lukács, György (2)
- Luxemburg, Rosa (2)
- Mao Tse Tung (2)
- Mezzogiorno (2)
- Nation state (2)
- Notebook 19 (2)
- Notebook 29 (2)
- Occupation factories (2)
- Popular culture (2)
- Post Marxism (2)
- Post World War I (2)
- Psychology (2)
- Quaderno 1 (2)
- Quaderno 22 (2)
- Religion (2)
- Society mass (2)
- Takemura, Eisuke (2)
- theater (2)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (2)
- Wallerstein, Immanuel (2)
- (-) Internationalism (1)