Display 2351 - 2400 items on 3282
Scimecca, Joseph A.
in International Review of History and Political Science, 1983, 55-73
Rivoluzione; Lukács, György; Luxemburg, Rosa; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'iÄ� Ul'janov, detto; Intellettuali
Solomos, J.
in Political Quarterly, 1983, 103-04
Politica, Teoria Della
Limon, J.E.
in Journal of American Folklore, 1983, 34-52
Lindstrom, F.B.
in International Social Science Review, 1983, pp. 256
MacClennan, Gary - Lingard, Robert
in English in Australia, 1983, 38-47
Australia; Educazione (Pedagogia); Bourdieu, Pierre; Passeron, Jean Claude; Bernstein, Eduard
Mansfield, Steven Rogers
The Contribution of Antonio Gramsci
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Santa Barbara: University of California, 1983, 325 p.
Ideologia; Egemonia; Elitismo
Mittelman, James H.
in Alternatives. A Journal of World Policy, 1983-1984, 325-49
Economica, Teoria; Egemonia
Cain, Maureen
Edited by David Sugarman.
in Legality, Ideology and the State, London: Academic Press, 1983, pp. 95-117
Legge; Stato; Egemonia
Callinicos, Alex
New York: Oxford U.P./Clarendon Press, 1983, viii, 177
Filosofia; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Lukács, György; Korsch, Karl
Caserta, Ernesto G.
in Journal of the History of Ideas, January-March, 1983, 141-50
Croce, Benedetto; Marxismo
Caserta, Ernesto G.
in Italian Quarterly, 1983, 59-73
Croce, Benedetto; Marxismo; Sapegno, Natalino
Chamberlain, Chris
London-Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1983, 74
Clark, Martin
in Times Literary Supplement, 1983, 580
Politica, Teoria Della
Cox, Robert W.
in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 1983, pp. 162 - 175
Egemonia; Diplomazia; Relazioni Internazionali; Guerra Di Movimento; Rivoluzione Passiva; Blocco Storico
Devine, Elizabeth (ed.)
in Thinkers of the Twentieth Century: A Biographical, Bibliographical and Critical Dictionary, United States: Gale Res., 1983, pp. 220-22
Biografia Filosofica Sommaria
Eley, Geoff
in Politics and Society, 1983, 53-82
Fascismo; Capitalismo
Femia, Joseph V.
in British Journal of Political Science, 1983, 327-64
Bibliografia (su o in relazione a G.); All'Estero: Gran Bretagna
Panizza, F.
in Revista de Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 1983, 83-100
Egemonia; Fascismo; All'Estero: America Latina
Larrain, Jorge
London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Macmillan ; the Humanities Press, 1983
in Journal of Educational Thought, December, 1982, pp. 140 - 149
Educazione (Pedagogia); Egemonia
Colbert, James G. Jr
in Studies in Soviet Thought, August, 1982, pp. 147 - 160
Labriola, Antonio; Croce, Benedetto
Buttigieg, Joseph A.
in Boundary 2, Autumn, 1982 - Winter, 1983, pp. 21 - 39
Letteratura, Critica (critica letteraria)
Showstack Sassoon, Anne
Edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon.
London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative Society, 1982, 254
Abse, Tobias
in Historical Journal, 1982, 247-58
fascismo, origini del; Sindacalismo
Adler, Franklin
in Ethics, 1982, pp. 365 - 368
Agosti, Stefano
in Stanford Italian Review, Fall, 1982, 54-71
Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Apple, Michael W.
London-Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul; London: Ark Paperbacks, 1982, xiv, 218
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Apple, Michael W.
Edited by Michael W. Apple
London-Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, 362
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Austin, D.
in Mankind, 1982, pp. 218 - 236
Classe Operaia; Cultura; All'Estero: Australia
Bertrand, Charles L.
in Historical Reflections - Réflexions Historiques, 1982, 383-402
Post Wwi; Anarchismo; Sindacalismo
Boggs, Carl
in Id., The Impasse of European Communism, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982, pp. 119-37; 166-70
Starr, William Frederic
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Columbia University, 1982, 204 p.
Caudwell, Christopher; Sociologia; Lukács, György; Reich, Wilhelm; Cultura
Telò, Mario
Edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon.
in Approaches to Gramsci, London: Readers and Writers, 1982, pp.200-11
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Ordine Nuovo; Americanismo Fordismo
Thomas, J.
in Urban Life, 1982, 129-32
Torres, Rudolph David
Theories of Class and the State in Capitalist Society
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Claremont Graduate School, 1982, 157 p.
Educazione (Pedagogia); Stato
Vacca, Giuseppe
Edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon.
in Approaches to Gramsci, London: Writers and Readers, 1982, pp. 37-69
Intellettuali; Cultura; Egemonia; Stato
Welton, Michael
in Journal of Educational Thought, 1982, pp. 140 - 149
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Wexler, Philip
in Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 1982, 166-80
Educazione (Pedagogia); Trockij, Lev Davidovi� (Bronstein); Francoforte, Scuola Di
Wexler, Philip - Whitson, Tony
in Psychology and Social Theory, 1982, 31-42
Educazione (Pedagogia); Egemonia
Ruggie, John G.
in International Organisation, 1982, pp. 379 - 415
Neogramscismo; Relazioni Internazionali; Liberalismo
Adamson, Walter L.
in Dissent, Spring, 1982, pp. 230 - 232
Comunismo Italiano
Gitlin, Todd
Edited by Michael W. Apple.
in Cultural and Economic Reproduction in Education, London-Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, pp. 202-46
Egemonia; Televisione
Gorman, Robert A.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982, x, 309
Idealismo Hegeliano; Labriola, Antonio; Della Volpe, Galvano; Colletti, Lucio
Greer, Edward
in The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique, New York: Pantheon Press, 1982, pp. 304-09
Egemonia; Legge
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
Edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon.
in Approaches to Gramsci, London: Writers and Readers, 1982, pp. 20-36
Teoria politica marxista; Egemonia
Hogan, David
Edited by Michael W. Apple.
in Cultural and Economic Reproduction in Education, London-Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, pp. 32-78
Educazione (Pedagogia); Egemonia
Jessop, Bob
New York: New York University Press, 1982
Stato; Egemonia