in International Gramsci Society Newsletter,
May, 1997, 28
Vidal, Gore; Foot, Michael; Montaigne, Michel de Eyquem de
- Reset
- 1 result found
- (-) eng
- (-) Foot, Michael
- Hegemony (460)
- Education (131)
- Intellectuals (103)
- Political theory (102)
- Prison Notebooks (97)
- International relations (93)
- Subaltern (88)
- Culture (81)
- Language (including Linguistics) (77)
- Revolution (69)
- Civil society (67)
- case studies (66)
- Marxism (66)
- Common sense (50)
- Ideology (50)
- Education adult (49)
- Literature (47)
- Neo Gramscism (47)
- Passive revolution (47)
- Councils Workers (45)
- Abroad, Great Britain (42)
- Croce, Benedetto (41)
- State (41)
- Religion (38)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (37)
- Philosophy of praxis (36)
- Abroad, USA (35)
- Economic theory (35)
- Eurocommunism (34)
- India (31)
- Democracy (30)
- Globalization (30)
- historiography (30)
- Marx, Karl (30)
- Freire, Paulo (29)
- Philosophy (29)
- Foucault, Michel (28)
- Anthropology (27)
- Bibliography (on or related to Gramsci) (27)
- PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943) (27)
- Pci (Italian Communist Party) (1943-1991) (27)
- politics (27)
- Women (27)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'ič Ul'janov, detto (26)
- Subaltern Studies (26)
- actuality (25)
- Althusser, Louis (24)
- Labor (24)
- Fascism (23)
- Sociology (23)
- United States (23)
- Latin America (21)
- Cultural studies (20)
- Folklore (20)
- Intellectuals organic (20)
- Mezzogiorno (20)
- Biography, General (19)
- Lukács, György (19)
- Neo liberalism (19)
- Abroad, India (18)
- Americanism Fordism (18)
- Bourdieu, Pierre (18)
- Catholicism (or Catholics) (18)
- Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International) (18)
- Hegemony counter (18)
- Historical bloc (18)
- National popular (18)
- Parties political (18)
- Bakhtin, Mikhail (17)
- Postcolonialism (17)
- China (16)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (16)
- Influence in Italy (16)
- Sraffa, Piero (16)
- Egypt (15)
- Historicism (15)
- Popular culture (15)
- Said, Edward (15)
- Translatability of Gramsci (15)
- Weber, Max (15)
- Brazil (14)
- Capitalism (14)
- Laclau, Ernest (14)
- Marxism Western (14)
- Nationalism (14)
- Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920 (14)
- Risorgimento (14)
- Working class (14)
- Abroad, Latin America (13)
- Biography summary (13)
- Law (13)
- Trotsky, Leon (13)
- Fascism interpretations (12)
- Peasants (12)
- Political Theory, general (12)
- Psi (Italian Socialist Party) (12)
- Togliatti, Palmiro (12)
- Turin (12)
- Buttigieg, Joseph A. (11)
- Church (11)
- Cinema (11)
- Gentile, Giovanni (11)
- Hall, Stuart (11)
- Journalism (11)
- Mouffe, Chantal (11)
- Pasolini, Pier Paolo (11)
- Philosophy of Praxis (11)
- Post World War I (11)
- South Africa (11)
- theater (11)
- Benjamin, Walter (10)
- Imperialism (10)
- Post modern (or "Postmodernism") (10)
- science (10)
- Trade unions (10)
- Anderson, Perry (9)
- Colonialism (9)
- Communications (9)
- Ecology (9)
- England (9)
- historical materialism (9)
- International politics (9)
- James, Clr (9)
- Labriola, Antonio (9)
- Socialism (9)
- Social sciences (9)
- Structure superstructure (9)
- Togliatti, P. from 1926 (9)
- WWW sites (Internet) (9)
- Abroad, Japan (8)
- Anarchism (8)
- Arab world (8)
- Australia (8)
- Biography, Summary political theory (8)
- Bobbio, Norberto (8)
- Bordiga, Amadeo (8)
- Caesarism (8)
- Canada (8)
- Cultural Studies (8)
- Frankfurt School (8)
- General Memoirs (8)
- Letters from Prison (8)
- Linguistic (8)
- Literature criticism (8)
- Luxemburg, Rosa (8)
- Mass media (8)
- Mexico (8)
- Orientalism (8)
- Slavery (8)
- Williams, Raymond (8)
- Abroad (General) (7)
- Art (7)
- Biography, General Political (7)
- Cammett, John M. (7)
- Convention- (7)
- Cultural Hegemony (7)
- Europe (7)
- Geography (7)
- Habermas, Jürgen (7)
- Immigration (7)
- International relations, theory of the (7)
- Modern prince (7)
- Organic Intellectuals (7)
- Political Theory Marxist (7)
- Post Marxism (7)
- Sociology marxist (7)
- subaltern culture (7)
- Thatcherism (7)
- War of movement-war of position (7)
- actuality 1998 (6)
- Africa (6)
- Biography, 1919-1926 (6)
- Civil Society (6)
- Class (6)
- Dante Alighieri (6)
- Dialectic (6)
- Education political (6)
- European integration (6)
- Fiction, etc. on AG (6)
- Iran (6)
- Islam (6)
- Japan (6)
- Legacy of A.G. (6)
- memoirs (6)
- method (6)
- Mosca, Gaetano (6)
- Novels (or short story) about Gramsci (6)
- Organic crisis (6)
- populism (6)
- Poulantzas, Nicos (6)
- Race (6)
- Russian Revolution (6)
- Social (6)
- Theology of liberation (6)
- Third world (6)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Ussr) (6)
- War of Position (6)
- World War I (6)
- Abroad, China (5)
- Asia (5)
- Bibliography BG (Bibliografia gramsciana, Vol. I ) (5)
- Biography prison (5)
- British Labour Party (5)
- Campaign to free from prison (5)
- Case studies (5)
- class-structure (5)
- Common Sense (5)
- Consensus (5)
- Cox, Robert (5)
- Crisis (5)
- Decolonization (5)
- De Martino, Ernesto (5)
- Durkheim, Emile (5)
- Economism (5)
- Feminism (5)
- Fordism (5)
- Futurism (5)
- hegemony (5)
- Italian Road to Socialism (5)
- Mao Tse Tung (5)
- Marcuse, Herbert (5)
- Materialism (5)
- music (5)
- Neoliberalism (5)
- Passive Revolution (5)
- Pedagogy (5)
- Pirandello, Luigi (5)
- Polanyi, Karl (5)
- Political Economy (5)
- Political realism (5)
- power (5)
- Sardinia (5)
- Schucht, Tania (5)
- Social movements (5)
- Social Movements (5)
- Sorel, Georges (5)
- Southern Question (5)
- Subjectivity (5)
- Television (5)
- Translation (5)
- Turkey (5)
- Voloshinov, Valentin N. (5)
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (5)
- Zimbabwe (5)
- Abroad, Australia (4)
- Abroad, Canada (4)
- Afro-americans (4)
- Agriculture (4)
- Ambedkar, B.R. (4)
- Antifascism (4)
- Argentina (4)
- Biography, Summary (4)
- Collective identity (4)
- Consciousness (4)
- Corporativism (4)
- Daily life (4)
- De Sanctis, Francesco (4)
- Domination (4)
- Economic history (4)
- Elitism (4)
- France (4)
- Gender (4)
- Gobetti, Piero (4)
- Hegemony Usa (4)
- Higher education (4)
- Hobsbawm, Eric (4)
- Idealism (4)
- Integral State (4)
- Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i? Ul'janov, detto (4)
- Management (4)
- Mariátegui, José Carlos (4)
- Middle East (4)
- Modernity (4)
- Mussolini, Benito (4)
- Nature (4)
- Nicaragua (4)
- Ordine Nuovo Movement (4)
- Postmarxism (4)
- Pre Prison Writings (4)
- rev-piccone83im non identificato! (4)
- Romeo, Rosario (4)
- Schucht, Giulia (4)
- Sexuality (4)
- Social Movement (4)
- Southern Question (or Southernism) (4)
- Sports (4)
- Sri-Lanka (4)
- Summary biography (4)
- Tasca, Angelo (4)
- Thailand (4)
- Usa (4)
- Vico, Gian, Battista (4)
- Abroad, Cuba (3)
- Abroad, USSR (3)
- africa (3)
- Alienation (3)
- Apartheid (3)
- Autonomy (3)
- Bartoli, Matteo (3)
- Bibliography Italy (3)
- Bibliography Japan (3)
- Biography, Philosophical summary (3)
- Bonapartism (3)
- Britain (3)
- Cemetery English (or "Protestant") (3)
- Chile (3)
- Class consciousness (3)
- Class Structure (3)
- Coercion (3)
- Collective intellectuals (3)
- Comics (3)
- Culture wars (3)
- Derrida, Jacques (3)
- Dewey, John (3)
- Diplomacy (3)
- Education (General) (3)
- Education multicultural (3)
- Emancipation (3)
- Emigration (3)
- Engels, Friederich (3)
- English as International Language (3)
- Ethics (3)
- Ethnicity (3)
- Factory Councils (3)
- Fanon, Frantz (3)
- Fascism, origins of the (3)
- Film (3)
- Film British (3)
- Gerratana, Valentino (3)
- Globalism (3)
- Gramscism, Right-wing (3)
- Hegemony coercion (3)
- Humanism (3)
- Indian Culture (3)
- Industry (3)
- intellectuals (3)
- Intellectuals and People (3)
- International-relations non identificato! (3)
- Jacobinism (3)
- Language (3)
- Language Question (3)
- Left European (3)
- Left politics (3)
- Leninism (3)
- Liberalism (3)
- Marxism Italian (3)
- Mass-Communications (3)
- Mass culture (3)
- Medicine (3)
- Memoirs general (3)
- Middle East Wars (3)
- National (3)
- National-Popular (3)
- National edition (of Gramsci's works) (3)
- Neo Marxism (3)
- New Left (3)
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 1909-1972 (3)
- Occupation factories (3)
- optimism-pessimism (3)
- Pcdi origins (3)
- pedagogy (3)
- Poems on Gramsci (3)
- political theory (3)
- Post modern (or Postmodernism ) (3)
- Post structuralism (3)
- Psychoanalysis (3)
- Psychology (3)
- Racism (3)
- Religion popular (3)
- Renaissance (3)
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (3)
- Russia (3)
- Saussure, Ferdinand de (3)
- Science (3)
- Scotland (3)
- Scritti giovanili (3)
- Showstack Sassoon, Anne (3)
- Singapore (3)
- Social history (3)
- Socialism, "real" (3)
- Solidarity (3)
- Stalinism (3)
- Syndicalism (3)
- Tocqueville, Alexis de (3)
- Togliatti, P. since 1944 (3)
- Togliatti, P. until 1925 (3)
- Tokyo Gramsci Society (3)
- Translatability (3)
- translatability (3)
- Translations English (3)
- Trombetti, Gustavo (3)
- Zapatistas (3)
- Abroad, Brazil (2)
- Abroad, English Speaking Countries (2)
- Abroad, France (2)
- Abroad, Germany (2)
- Abroad, South Africa (2)
- Abroad Arab World and Middle East (2)
- actuality 1987 (2)
- actuality 1995 (2)
- actuality 1999 (2)
- Adorno, Theodor (2)
- Aesthetic (2)
- Albania (2)
- Alterglobalist Movement (2)
- American Indians (2)
- Arab Left (2)
- Arab Spring (2)
- Architecture (2)
- Arendt, Hanna (2)
- Articulation (or "flexibility") (2)
- Asia East (2)
- Austro Marxism (2)
- Baratta, Giorgio (2)
- Base superstructure (2)
- Beatles (2)
- Bibliography (2)
- Bibliography education (2)
- Biography, Death (2)
- Blacks (2)
- Boggs, Grace Lee (2)
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (2)
- Bureaucracy (2)
- Catholicism (2)
- Church State (2)
- Citizenship (2)
- Class Culture (2)
- Class struggle (2)
- Collective will (2)
- Communism (2)
- Comunism (2)
- Consciousness class (2)
- consent (2)
- Consumerism (2)
- Convention 1991 Berlin, Lectures (2)
- Counter-hegemony (2)
- Crehan, Kate (2)
- Cultural Revolution (2)
- Culture theory (2)
- Della Volpe, Galvano (2)
- De Man, Paul (2)
- Development economic (2)
- Dictatorship (2)
- Dissent (2)
- Education, Adult (2)
- Education English history (2)
- Education socialism (2)
- Education universities (2)
- Egemony (2)
- Epistemology (2)
- Family (2)
- Find (2)
- First World War (2)
- Fo, Dario (2)
- French Revolution (2)
- Gandhi (Mahatma), Mohandas Karamchand (2)
- General will (2)
- Germany (2)
- Germany Nazi (2)
- Ghana (2)
- Ghilarza Summer School (2)
- Giroux, Henry (2)
- Godelier, Maurice (2)
- Gramscism (2)
- Gran, Peter (2)
- Great Britain (2)
- Harman, Chris (2)
- Haug, Wolfgang Fritz (2)
- Hegelianism (2)
- Hegemony cultural (2)
- Hegemony male (2)
- Hegemony workers (2)
- Historical materialism (2)
- Historiography (2)
- Historiography Gramsci (2)
- Historism (2)
- Husserl, Edmund (2)
- Igs (International Gramsci Society) (2)
- Illich, Ivan (2)
- Indonesia (2)
- Inequality (2)
- Influence (2)
- Influence historiography (2)
- Intellectuals labor (2)
- Intellectuals traditional (2)
- intellectuals transformative (2)
- interdisciplinarity (2)
- Internationalism (2)
- Interregnum (2)
- Ireland (2)
- Israel (2)
- Italy State (2)
- Ives, Peter (2)
- Jacobins (2)
- Jews (2)
- Korea (2)
- Kristeva, Julia (2)
- Leadership (2)
- Lebanon (2)
- Letters English-editions (2)
- Literature 20th century (2)
- Literature 20th Century Usa (2)
- Literature general (2)
- Literature Marxism (2)
- Lombroso, Cesare (2)
- Lo Piparo, Franco (2)
- Lorianism (2)
- Mannheim, Karl (2)
- Manzoni, Alessandro (2)
- Maoism (2)
- Marx Engels (2)
- marxism (2)
- Marxist Philosophy (2)
- Marzani, Carl (2)
- masculinity (2)
- Matsuda, Hiroshi (2)
- Medical Anthropology (2)
- mediterranean (2)
- Messico, Chiapas (2)
- metaphor (2)
- Modernism (2)
- Modern Prince (2)
- Modern State (2)
- Modern state (2)
- Multiculturalism (2)
- Nation state (2)
- Negri, Antonio (2)
- Neo colonialism (2)
- Neo realism (2)
- New party (2)
- Nigeria (2)
- Nono, Luigi (2)
- notebook 3 (2)
- Notebook 25 (2)
- Ohara, Koichi (2)
- Ontology (2)
- Ordine Nuovo (2)
- Pakistan (2)
- Pannekoek, Anton (2)
- Pareto, Vilfredo (2)
- Parliament G's Speech 1925 (2)
- Pcdi education (2)
- Pci, politics culture (2)
- Pci education (2)
- Perestroika (2)
- Peru (2)
- philology (2)
- poetry on Gramsci (2)
- poland (2)
- Poland (2)
- Politcal Theory (2)
- Political Theory (2)
- Popular music (2)
- Populism (2)
- Positivism (2)
- Postfordism (2)
- Praxis (2)
- Praxis revolutionary (2)
- Prince as Constituent Assembly (2)
- Prisoners writings (2)
- Prison Letters (2)
- Proletkult (2)
- Punjab (2)
- Quebec (2)
- Qu Qiubai (2)
- realism (in Literature) (2)
- Reformism (2)
- Rehmann, Jan (2)
- Resistance (2)
- Resistance movement (2)
- rev-film-Eadie non identificato! (2)
- Revolution/restoration (2)
- Revolution in the West (2)
- Rhetoric (2)
- Ricardo, David (2)
- Sardism (2)
- Scott, James C. (2)
- Senegal (2)
- Simon, Roger (2)
- Sociology of knowledge (2)
- South Asia (2)
- southern question (2)
- Space urban (2)
- Spain (2)
- Spirito, Ugo (2)
- Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (2)
- Sraffa, Piero: biography (2)
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionoviç Dzugašvili, detto (2)
- state (2)
- State - civil society (2)
- State ethical (2)
- Subaltern culture (2)
- Surrealism (2)
- Svolta 1930 (turning point) (2)
- Taviani, brothers (Paolo e Vittorio) (2)
- Taylorism (2)
- Thatcher, Margaret (2)
- Theory of Legitimateness (2)
- Thompson, Edward P. (2)
- Totalitarianism (2)
- Translations (2)
- Trump, Donald (2)
- Universalism (2)
- Urban policy (2)
- Urban theory (2)
- Ussr (2)
- Verdi, Giuseppe (2)
- Violence (2)
- Wallerstein, Immanuel (2)
- West, Cornel (2)
- World War II (2)
- Youth (2)
- (-) Foot, Michael (1)