Display 1 - 19 items on 19
Takemura, Eisuke
Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi gramsciani. Formia, 25-28 ottobre 1989. A cura di Maria Luisa Righi.
in Gramsci nel mondo., Roma: Fondazione Istituto Gramsci; Regione Lazio: Assessorato alla Cultura, 1995, pp. 191-206
All'Estero: Giappone
Takemura, Eisuke
in Ritsumeikan Sangyôshakai Ronshû, March, 1994, 165-91
Classicità (Di Gramsci)
Takemura, Eisuke
in Annual, Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Nihon-Fukushi, January, 1989
Takemura, Eisuke
[Gramsci in Modern History]
Tokyo: Aoki-shoten, 1989, 238
Takemura, Eisuke
in Nihon-Fukushi daigaku kenkyûkiyô, 1989, pp. 1 - 32
All'Estero: Giappone
Takemura, Eisuke
[Review of Culture]
in Bunkahyôron, Shinnihonshuppansha, February 1, 1988
All'Estero: Giappone; All'Estero: Generale; Attualità 1988
Takemura, Eisuke
in [ Memoires of the University of Nihon-Fukushi], Institute of Social Sciences in the University of Nihon-Fukushi, December 1, 1987
Educazione (Pedagogia); Quaderni del carcere
Takemura, Eisuke
in [ Memoirs of the University of Nihon-Fukushi], Institute of Social Sciences in the University of Nihon-Fukushi, February 29, 1984
Quaderno 01; Storiografia
Takemura, Eisuke
[Annals of Marxist Studies]
in Marakusu-shugi kenkyû nenpô, Gôdôshuppan, January 25, 1981
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Takemura, Eisuke
in Shakai shisôshi kenkyû, November, 1979, 35-56
Takemura, Eisuke
in Gendai seiji shisô shi [The History of Modern Political Thought, vol. 5, Contemporary Political Thought], Yûhikaku, 1978
Egemonia; Politica, Teoria Della
Takemura, Eisuke
edited by K. Amano
in Marakusu-shugi hôgaku kôza [Courses for Marxist Studies of Jurisprudence], vol. 2., Nihon-hyoronsha, 1978
Stato; Legge
Takemura, Eisuke
[Annals of Marxist Studies]
in Marakusu-shugi kenkyû nenpô, Godoshuppan, November 30, 1978
Takemura, Eisuke
[Gramsci's Thought]
Tokyo: Aokishoten, 1975, 294
Biografia Politica Generale
Takemura, Eisuke
[The History of the Conception of the State], vol. 2
in Kokka-shisôshi, Tokyo: Aokishoten, 1974, pp. 45-100
Takemura, Eisuke
in Gendai to Shisô, December 15, 1974
Società Civile
Takemura, Eisuke
A. Guramushi norekishi-kan to sono shûhenOn the Concept of History in A. Gramsci
edited by S. Shibata
in Gendai-kakumê to Marakusu-shugi tetsugaku. [Contemporary Revolution and Marxist Philosophy]. Edited by Prof. S. Shibata. Vol. 2, Tokyo: Aokishoten, 1970