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Panitch, Leo
Edited by Leo Panitch and Ralph Miliband
London: Merlin Press, 1994
Neogramscismo; International-relations non identificato!; Globalizzazione
Panitch, Leo
in The Socialist Register 1992: New World Order?. Edited by Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch, London ; New York: Merlin ; Monthly Review press, 1992, pp. 60 - 93
Neogramscismo; Relazioni Internazionali; Globalizzazione
Panitch, Leo
The contemporary meaning of revolution in the West
in Socialist Register, London ; New York: Merlin ; Monthly Review press, 1989, pp. 1 - 29
Partito Politico; Rivoluzione
Panitch, Leo
in Monthly Review, 1978, 37-48
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Rivoluzione