Display 1 - 6 items on 6
Kiernan, Victor G.
in Vacca, Giuseppe, Gramsci in Gran Bretagna, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2015, pp. 63 - 88
All'Estero: Gran Bretagna; Marxismo Occidentale; Quaderni del carcere
Kiernan, Victor G.
Edited & Introduced by Harvey J. Kaye.
in Id., Imperialism and Its Contradictions., New York & London: Routledge, 1995, pp. 171-90
Kiernan, Victor G.
in International Affairs, Summer, 1989, 590-1
Politica Internazionale
Kiernan, Victor G.
The Collected Edition of the three special issue of the <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>.
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers., [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], pp. 19 - 24
All'Estero: Terzo Mondo
Kiernan, Victor G.
in Socialist Register, London ; New York: Merlin ; Monthly Review press, 1972, pp. 177 - 194
Kiernan, Victor G.
Edited by Kenneth Coates.
in Essays in Socialist Humanism, Nottingham: Spokesman Books, 1972, pp. 63-89