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Anderson, Perry
in MicroMega, Roma: Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, 2017
Egemonia; Laclau, Ernest; Hall, Stuart; Guha, Ranajit; Arrighi, Giovanni
Anderson, Perry
New York: Verso, 2017, IX, 190 p.
Egemonia; Relazioni Internazionali
Anderson, Perry
in New Left Review, September-October, 2002, pp. 5 - 30
Forza-Consenso; Egemonia; Globalismo; Medio Oriente, conflitti in; Attualità
Anderson, Perry
[Perry Anderson... et al. Translation of Juarez Guimaraes and Feliz Sanchez]
in As estratégias revolucionárias na atualidade, Sao Paulo: Jorues, 1986, pp. 7-74
Egemonia; Stato
Anderson, Perry
[Translated by Eric Corijn and Simon Zakowsky. Preface by Eric Corijn.]
Antwerpen/Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Leon Lesoil/Internationale Socialistiese Publ., 1981, 103
Anderson, Perry
[Translated from English by Walle Bengs, with the collaboration of Susanne Schoop and Michel Rhiem.]
West-Berlin: Verlag Olle & Wolter, 1979, 112
Egemonia; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Anderson, Perry
in Prezentacje, 1978, 45-48
Egemonia; Stato; Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i? Ul'janov, detto
Anderson, Perry - Blackburn, Robin
edited for the New Left Review by Perry Anderson and Robin Blackburn ; introduction to the American edition by Andrew Hacker
in Towards Socialism., Ithaca, N.Y. ; London: Cornell University Press ; Collins, 1966, pp. 221-90
Sociale; Egemonia; All'Estero: Gran Bretagna