Filippini, Michele

The Forms of a Travelling Theory: A New Approach to Gramsci's Texts

fa parte di Gramsci in the Arab World , 30 , 1
Since 2000, Gramscian concepts have been undergoing an unprecedented process of dissemination, and this process has occurred along two specific axes: The geographic axis and the disciplinary axis. This process, which is also a hybridization resulting in political innovation, often has been interpreted in terms of fidelity/infidelity to Gramsci's ideas, and as a result has been interpreted as somewhat of a degenerative process. In contrast, my analysis focuses on the transit of Gramscian theory, that is, on what ideas transit, on how they transit, and why they transit rather than starting with a presupposed 'original' theory or the arrival points of 'corrupted' or 'translated' theory. By looking beyond an essentialist notion of his theory, this inquiry into Gramscian concepts ends up discussing the problems of contemporary history and politics rather than simply the revival of interest in a Sardinian Marxist.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Filippini, Michele
Studi culturali
Said, Edward
Cultural Studies
Said, Edward