Liguori, Guido

Conceptions of Subalternity in Gramsci

fa parte di McNally, Mark, Antonio Gramsci , 2015 , pp. 118 - 133
The Gramscian category of 'subaltern' has only become one of the most prominent and used Gramscian concepts in the last 20 years or so. In Italy, at the end of the 1940s and beginning of the 1950s there had however already been a significant precedent in its usage - albeit a limited one - in the polemical debate on the subject of the 'popular subaltern world' that appeared in the pages of the journal Società detween Enrico Martino (a great Italian anthropologist close to the Left but culturally formed in the school of Benedetto Croce) and Cesare Luporini (perhaps the most important philosopher and Marxist among PCI militants in this period). The dispute was at the least in part concerned with the role to be assigned to the working class - as the 'true' revolutionary class - in the field of this 'popular subaltern world'.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Liguori, Guido
Quaderni del carcere
Prison Notebooks