Glassman, Jim

Cracking Hegemony

Gramsci and the Dialectics of Rebellion
fa parte di Ekers, Michael, Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics , Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell , 2013 , pp. 239 - 257
If one wishes to explain not how the subaltern accommodate but, rather, how they rebel, one typically sets Antonio Gramsci aside. Instead of leaving Gramsci behind in order to explain rebellion, this chapter argues that rebellion can be read precisely through a Gramscian framework that foregrounds conceptions such as hegemony. It selectively mines several texts - most especially Gramsci's essay "Americanism and Fordism" - for usable insights that illustrate the enabling conditions for rebellion that exist within contexts of hegemony. The major purpose of the chapter is to show that a conception of the capacity for rebellion need not and should not steer clear of Gramscian perceptions regarding hegemony, as has been the case for various approaches on the intellectual Left in recent decades.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Glassman, Jim
Americanismo Fordismo
Americanism Fordism