Bieler, Andreas - Morton, Adam David

Images of Gramsci

Connections and Contentions in Political Theory and International Relations
Editors: Andreas Bieler, Adam Morton
London: Routledge, 2006, xxv, 186
Previously published as a special issue of the leading "Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP)
Lingua eng
Nomi [curatore] Bieler, Andreas
[curatore] Morton, Adam David
relazioni internazionali, teoria delle
International relations, theory of the
Bieler, Andreas
Class Struggle over the EU Model of Capitalism
pp. 119 - 132
Cutler, A. Claire
Gramsci, Law, and the Culture of Global Capitalism
pp. 133 - 148
Ives, Peter
Language, Agency and Hegemony
pp. 61 - 74
Jessop, Bob
Gramsci as a Spatial Theorist
pp. 27 - 43
Morton, Adam David
A Double Reading of Gramsci
pp. 45 - 59
Pasha, Mustapha Kamal
Islam, "Soft" Orientalism and Hegemony
pp. 149 - 164
Pijl, Kees van der
Gramsci and Left Managerialism
pp. 105 - 117
Robinson, Andrew
Towards an Intellectual Reformation
pp. 75 - 87
Robinson, William I.
Gramsci and Globalisation
pp. 165 - 180
Showstack Sassoon, Anne
Gramsci and the Secret of Father Brown
pp. 1 - 11
Ristampa di
Images of Gramsci,

December, 2005