Gramsci, Antonio

Tjuremnnye tetradi Prison Notebooks

Volume One. Edited by M.N. Greckij and Ljudmila A. Nikitic. Introduction by M.N. Greckij. Translated and directed by Genrich P. Smirnov, V.A. Dmitrenko, P.A. Kozlov, E.G. Molochkovskaia, A.K. Orel, L.B. Popov, Iu.A. Suvorov
Moscow: Izeldatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1991, 560
The first of three volumes of the complete Russian translation of the Quaderni. This work is based on the critical edition but maintains the structure of the first Einaudi edition. This volume contains the texts of "Il materialismo storico..." and of "Gli intellettuali...". (In June, 1994, Irina Grigor'eva stated that the other two volumes have not been published.).
Lingua rus
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Greckij, Milij N.
[curatore] Nikitic, Ljudmila A.
[traduttore] Smirnov, Genrich P.
[traduttore] Dmitrenko, V.A.
[traduttore] Kudiukin, P.M.