Gramsci, Antonio


a cura di Giuseppe Fiori
fa parte di Processo Gramsci. Cronaca di un verdetto annunciato, A cura di Giuseppe Fiori , 1994
Contains many of the papers of the "processone" of 1927-28. Includes two unpublished letters of Gramsci (March 8, 1927 and April 3, 1928) as well as three interrogations of him (February 9, March 20 and June 2, 1927). The archives of the "Tribunale speciale fascista" were opened only in 1990, though documents were somehow published earlier. Cf. esp. D. Zucáro (1954 and 1961) - #31
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Fiori, Giuseppe