Ferri, Franco

Il carteggio completo tra Gramsci e Togliatti sulla situazione nel partito bolscevico (1926)

A cura di Franco Ferri
fa parte di Rinascita , 17 , April 24, 1970
Gramsci's famous letter of October 14, 1926 to the Central Committee of the CPUSSR. This letter was first published (in part) in France by Angelo Tasca in the Nuovo Avanti! of May 8, 1937 (in this bibliog.) He then published the complete version, also in France, in Problemi della Rivoluzione italiana, no. 47 (April 22, 1938). In Italy it was first published by Eugenio Reale in Corrispondenza socialista (December 1, 1957) and then in 2000 pagine di Gramsci (1964) which also included an explanatory letter of February 26, 1964 by Togliatti to the editor Giansiro Ferrata. In addition to the inclusion of Gramsci's letter, this piece of 1970 includes the first publication of Togliatti's reply to Gramsci and Gramsci's ensuing letter to Togliatti. All were reprinted in La costruzione del Partito comunista (Einaudi, 1971) and now in Lettere 1908-1926 (Einaudi, 1992)
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Nomi [curatore] Ferri, Franco