Gramsci, Antonio

Note sulla situazione italiana 1922-1924

fa parte di Rivista storica del socialismo , 13-14 , 1961
Introduction by Aldo Romano. Six articles in French by Gramsci which appeared in La Correspondance Internationale and republished here for the first time. The articles are: A. Gramsci (Moscou), "Les origines du cabinet Mussolini," II, 89 (November 20, 1922), 627-29; G. Masci, "Le Parliamentarisme et le fascisme en Italie", III, 47 (December 28, 1923), 629-33 ; G. Masci, "L'Echec du syndicalisme fasciste", IV, 1 (January 3, 1924), 633-36 ; G. Masci, "Italie et Yougoslavie", IV, 7 (January 30, 1924), 636-38 ; G. Masci, "Le Vatican", IV, 17 (March 12, 1924), 638-41 ; G. Masci, "Les Elections italiennes", IV, 22 (April 17, 1924), 641-44. A. Gramsci, Socialismo e fascismo. L'Ordine nuovo 1921-1922 (Einaudi, 1966), pp. 528-30, has the text in the appendix in Italian translation of "Le origini del gabinetto Mussolini". It also has the text in Italian translation (pp. 525-27) of another article by Gramsci first published in La Correspondance Internationale: A. Gramsci, "L'Italia e la conferenza di Genova", II, 28 (April 12, 1922). The articles written in 1923-24 were published in Italian translation in A. Gramsci, La costruzione del Partito comunista 1923-1926 (Einaudi, 1971), pp. 517-27. A footnote warns that "these writings are surely notably distant from the original Italian. They do not exactly reflect the thoughts of the author since they, like all the articles published in that journal, underwent editorial re-elaborations and experienced multiple translations"
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Nomi [author] Gramsci, Antonio