Kang, Liu

Hegemony and Cultural Revolution

fa parte di New Literary History , 28 , 1 , Winter, 1997 , 69-86
Special issue on «Cultural Studies: China and the West». «Compares the ideas of Gramsci to 1) Qu Quibai's work on the question of Western cultural domination & colonization & the establishment of a national-popular culture; 2) Mao Zedong's work & the notion of hegemony & its relationship to cultural revolution; & 3) Hu Feng's notion of civil society & the public sphere. It is shown that the stress on cultural revolution in these Chinese Marxist writings parallels the orientations of Gramscian Western Marxism toward issues of culture.» D.M. Smith [Dangers of distortion of these ideas in the present phase of global capitalism are noted].
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Kang, Liu
Economica, Teoria
Cambiamento Socio Economico
Qu Qiubai
Mao Tse Tung
Hu Feng
Studi di caso
Economic theory
Change social economic
Qu Qiubai
Mao Tse Tung
Hu Feng
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