Schirru, Giancarlo

L'hégémonie de Gramsci entre la sphère politique et la sphère symbolique

fa parte di Mélanges de l'École française de Rome - Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines [Online] , Roma : École française de Rome , 2016

The Gramscian notion of hegemony is employed by contemporary linguistic anthropology and cultural studies. A parallelism between the description of the « hegemony apparatus » and the « centres of irradiation of linguistic innovations » can actually be observed in the Prison Notebooks. This fact is the result of two different issues discussed in the leading group of the Bolshevik party during the 1920s: the debate on the hegemony (i.e. the relationship between the working class and the countrymen) that followed the Lenin death, and the linguistic planning of the revolutionary state. Gramsci elaborated these two lines of thinking and connected them in an original way within the Notebooks 10 and 11. In such a theoretical development, he uses not only notions on language learned during his university studies on linguistics, but also notions of the « Völkerpsychology » diffused by Antonio Labriola, the founder of the Italian Marxism.

Available online: L'hégémonie de Gramsci entre la sphère politique et la sphère symbolique (Accessed November 28, 2016)

Lingua fra
Nomi [author] Schirru, Giancarlo
Lingua (e Linguistica)
Labriola, Antonio
Language (including Linguistics)
Labriola, Antonio